Habib Moradi
Habib graduated with a master in physics from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. Habib has a solid background in optics and light-matter interaction. His master's project focused on optimizing different configurations of optical manipulation setups using tailored light. During this time, he worked on different projects such as optical trapping by cylindrical vector beams and circular airy beams. Moreover, he worked on rotation of optically trapped micro and nanoparticles.
Habib joined our group in January of 2023 as our first PhD student at Radboud University of Nijmegen. Currently, he is working on the optical manipulation of colloidal systems by using Laguerre Gaussian beams to actively rotate circular grain boundaries in order to study their evaluations during the time. In addition, he is working on the formation of two-dimensional quasicrystals in binary systems to play with these structures under optical trapping configurations.