Long-time self-diffusion in quasi-two-dimensional colloidal fluids of paramagnetic particles
Nima H Siboni, Alice L Thorneywork, Alicia Damm, Roel PA Dullens, and Juergen Horbach
Phys. Rev. E 2020 101 042609
The effect of hydrodynamic interactions (HI) on the long-time self-diffusion in quasi-two-dimensional fluids of paramagnetic colloidal particles is investigated using a combination of experiments and Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations. In the BD simulations, the direct interactions (DI) between the particles consist of a short-ranged repulsive part and a long-ranged part that is proportional to 1/r(3), with r the interparticle distance. By studying the equation of state, the simulations allow for the identification of the regime where the properties of the fluid are fully controlled by the long-ranged interactions, and the thermodynamic state solely depends on the dimensionless interaction strength Gamma. In this regime, the radial distribution functions from the simulations are in quantitative agreement with those from the experiments for different fluid area fractions. This agreement confirms that the DI in the experiments and simulations are identical, which thus allows us to isolate the role of HI, as these are not taken into account in the BD simulations. Experiment and simulation fall onto a master curve with respect to the Gamma dependence of D-L* = D-L/(D-0 Gamma(1/2)), with D-0 the self-diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution and D-L the long-time self-diffusion coefficient. Our results thus show that, although HI affect the short-time self-diffusion, for a quasi-two-dimensional system with 1/r(3) long-ranged DI, the reduced quantity D-L* is effectively not affected by HI. Interestingly, this is in agreement with prior work on quasi-two-dimensional colloidal hard spheres.